Module Terminal

module Terminal: sig .. end

Terminal library for Objective-Caml


val title : string -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

title t f saves the old window title, sets it to a given string t, and restores it. In Windows, the parameter should be encoded as the active code page.

val title_utf8 : string -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

title_utf8 t f saves the old window title, sets it to a given UTF-8 encoded string t, and restores it. In POSIX, it's same as set_title.

Color type and values

type color = private int 

Color. The representation is not portable.

val system_16 : red:int -> green:int -> blue:int -> intensity:int -> color

The 16 system colors. It's discriminated whether each value of red, green, blue, or intensity is 0 or not.

val black : color
val dark_red : color
val dark_green : color
val dark_yellow : color
val dark_blue : color
val dark_magenta : color
val dark_cyan : color
val gray : color
val dark_gray : color
val blue : color
val green : color
val cyan : color
val red : color
val magenta : color
val yellow : color
val white : color
val supports_256 : unit -> bool

Check whether the terminal supports 256 color.

val rgb : red:float -> green:float -> blue:float -> color

The RGB colors. The each parameter should be in 0.0 to 1.0.

val grayscale : float -> color

The grayscale colors. The parameter should be in 0.0 to 1.0.


type event = private string 

Event. One of an inputed char or string, the terminal window is resized, any special key is typed, any mouse button is clicked, or others.

val escape_sequence_of_event : event -> string

Represent a given event as escape sequence.

val is_char : event -> bool

Check whether a given event contains some char or not.

val char_of_event : event -> char

Return the char of a given event.

val is_string : event -> bool

Check whether a given event contains some string(non-escape sequence) or not.

val string_of_event : event -> string

Return the string of a given event.

val is_resized : event -> bool

Check whether a given event means the terminal window has been resized. It installs the sigwinch handler (in POSIX) or change the console mode (in Windows) when calling size, set_size, view, or screen.

val size_of_event : event -> int * int

Return the new window size of a given event.

type key = [ `delete
| `down
| `end_key
| `f1
| `f10
| `f11
| `f12
| `f2
| `f3
| `f4
| `f5
| `f6
| `f7
| `f8
| `f9
| `home
| `insert
| `left
| `pagedown
| `pageup
| `right
| `up ]


type shift_state = private int 

Set of shift_key.

val is_key : event -> bool

Check whether a given event contains some key or not.

val key_of_event : event ->
[ `delete
| `down
| `end_key
| `f1
| `f10
| `f11
| `f12
| `f2
| `f3
| `f4
| `f5
| `f6
| `f7
| `f8
| `f9
| `home
| `insert
| `left
| `pagedown
| `pageup
| `right
| `unknown
| `up ]

Return the key of a given event.

val shift_of_event : event -> shift_state

Return the shift state of a given event. shift_of_event works for key events and also mouse button events.

type shift_key = private int 

One of shift key, control key, or alt(meta) key.

val empty : shift_state

The empty set.

val shift : shift_key
val meta : shift_key
val control : shift_key
val alt : shift_key
val mem : shift_key -> shift_state -> bool

mem a s is true if a is included in s.

val add : shift_key -> shift_state -> shift_state

add a s returns a set containing all elements of s plus a.

type button = [ `button1 | `button2 | `button3 | `released | `wheeldown | `wheelup ] 

Mouse button.

val is_clicked : event -> bool

Check whether a given event means some mouse button is clicked.

val button_of_event : event ->
[ `button1
| `button2
| `button3
| `released
| `unknown
| `wheeldown
| `wheelup ]

Return the clicked mouse button of a given event.

val position_of_event : event -> int * int

Return the pointed position of a given event.

Operations on Unix.file_descr

module Descr: sig .. end

Operations on Unix.file_descr.

Operations on Input/output channels

Output channel

val is_terminal_out : Stdlib.out_channel -> bool

is_terminal_out oc returns true if a given output channel is associated to the terminal.

val size : Stdlib.out_channel -> int * int

size oc gets the size of the current screen buffer.

val set_size : Stdlib.out_channel -> int -> int -> unit

set_size oc width height sets the size of the current screen buffer.

val view : Stdlib.out_channel -> int * int * int * int

view oc gets the range of the current view port that is a part of the current screen buffer.

val position : Stdlib.out_channel -> int * int

position oc gets the cursor position in absolute coordinates.

val set_position : Stdlib.out_channel -> int -> int -> unit

set_position oc x y moves the cursor in absolute coordinates.

val move : Stdlib.out_channel -> int -> int -> unit

move oc x y moves the cursor in relative coordinates from the current position.

val move_to_bol : Stdlib.out_channel -> unit -> unit

move_to_bol oc () moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.

val color : Stdlib.out_channel ->
?reset:bool ->
?bold:bool ->
?underscore:bool ->
?blink:bool ->
?reverse:bool ->
?concealed:bool ->
?foreground:color -> ?background:color -> unit -> unit

color oc ~reset ~bold ~underscore ~blink ~reverse ~concealed ~foreground ~background () sets the color for writing.

val save : Stdlib.out_channel -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

save oc f saves and restores the current position and the color.

val clear_screen : Stdlib.out_channel -> unit -> unit

clear_screen oc () clears all of a given screen buffer.

val clear_eol : Stdlib.out_channel -> unit -> unit

clear_eol oc () clears from the cursor position to the end of the line.

val clear_line : Stdlib.out_channel -> unit -> unit

clear_line oc () is a combination of move_to_bol oc () and clear_eol oc ().

val scroll : Stdlib.out_channel -> int -> unit

scroll oc y scrolls the contents in the current view port.

val show_cursor : Stdlib.out_channel -> bool -> unit

show_cursor oc flag show or hide the cursor.

val wrap : Stdlib.out_channel -> bool -> unit

wrap oc flag enables or disables line wrapping.

val screen : Stdlib.out_channel ->
?size:int * int ->
?cursor:bool -> ?wrap:bool -> (Stdlib.out_channel -> 'a) -> 'a

screen oc ~size ~cursor ~wrap f saves the current screen buffer, uses new screen buffer, and restores it. If ~size is given, same as set_size oc size. If ~cursor is given, same as show_cursor oc cursor. If ~wrap:w is given, same as wrap oc w.

val output_substring_utf8 : Stdlib.out_channel -> string -> int -> int -> unit

Write a part of a UTF-8 encoded string to a given output channel. In POSIX, It's same as Pervasives.output.

val output_string_utf8 : Stdlib.out_channel -> string -> unit

Write a UTF-8 encoded string to a given output channel. In POSIX, It's same as Pervasives.output_string.

Input channel

val is_terminal_in : Stdlib.in_channel -> bool

is_terminal_in ic returns true if a given input channel is associated to the terminal.

val buffered_in : Stdlib.in_channel -> int

Return the size of the buffered contents of a given input channel that has not been read yet.

val buffered_line_in : Stdlib.in_channel -> int

Return the size of the buffered contents of a given input channel that has not been read yet, from current position until '\n'. If a returned value is max_int, no '\n' is in the buffer. It means the current line is continuing. Otherwise, all of the current line is buffered.

val mode : Stdlib.in_channel ->
?echo:bool ->
?canonical:bool -> ?control_c:bool -> ?mouse:bool -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

mode ic ~echo ~canonical ~control_c ~mouse f saves, changes, and restores the mode of a given input channel. If ~echo is given, enables or disables echoing. If ~canonical is given, enables or disables line editing. If ~control_c is given, accepts or ignores Ctrl+C. (Use Sys.catch_break to handle Ctrl+C as the exception.) If ~mouse is given, enables or disables mouse button events.

val input_line_utf8 : Stdlib.in_channel -> string

Read from a given input channel until a newline. And return a UTF-8 encoded string. In POSIX, It's same as Pervasives.input_line.


val utf8_of_locale : string -> string

In windows, encode a string from the active code page to UTF-8. In POSIX, It's no effect.

val locale_of_utf8 : string -> string

In windows, encode a string from UTF-8 to the active code page. In POSIX, It's no effect.