module Uniform_distribution:sig
Converting from the generated bit sequence to the ranged number with a uniform distribution.
val int : bits32:('a -> int32) -> bits64:('a -> int64) -> 'a -> int -> int
Draws out values repeatedly as needed by bits32
if the bound
fits into
32 bits otherwise bits64
val int32 : bits32:('a -> int32) -> 'a -> int32 -> int32
val int64 : bits32:('a -> int32) -> bits64:('a -> int64) -> 'a -> int64 -> int64
For multiple times to call these functions with the same parameters, it can make more efficient functions by partial applying the parameters to do part of the needed calculation before the calls. For example:
let f = bind_int ~bits32 ~bits64 bound in
List.init times (fun _ -> f state ())
is better than:
List.init times (fun _ -> int ~bits32 ~bits64 state bound)
val bind_int : bits32:('a -> int32) -> bits64:('a -> int64) -> int -> 'a -> unit -> int
except the order of the parameters differs for efficiency of
partial application.
val bind_int32 : bits32:('a -> int32) -> int32 -> 'a -> unit -> int32
val bind_int64 : bits32:('a -> int32) -> bits64:('a -> int64) -> int64 -> 'a -> unit -> int64
val int_from_int64_bits : width:int -> bits:('a -> int64) -> 'a -> int -> int
Draws out values repeatedly as needed by bits
in width
bit units.
must be fits into width
bits, and bits
must return a value fits
into width
val int32_from_int64_bits : width:int -> bits:('a -> int64) -> 'a -> int32 -> int32
val int64_from_int64_bits : width:int -> bits:('a -> int64) -> 'a -> int64 -> int64
val float_from_int64_bits : width:int -> bits:('a -> int64) -> 'a -> float -> float
Draws out width
bits once by bits
must return a value fits into width
The result has the precision of the minimum of 53 bits and width
val float_exclusive_from_int64_bits : width:int -> bits:('a -> int64) -> 'a -> float -> float
Draws out values repeatedly as needed by bits
in width
bit units.
must be at least 2 and bits
must return a value fits into width
The result has the precision of the minimum of 53 bits and width
val float_inclusive_from_int64_bits : width:int -> bits:('a -> int64) -> 'a -> float -> float
Draws out values repeatedly as needed by bits
in width
bit units.
must return a value fits into width
The result has the precision of the minimum of 53 bits and width
- 1
val bind_int_from_int64_bits : width:int -> bits:('a -> int64) -> int -> 'a -> unit -> int
Like Uniform_distribution.int_from_int64_bits
except the order of the parameters differs for
efficiency of partial application.
val bind_int32_from_int64_bits : width:int -> bits:('a -> int64) -> int32 -> 'a -> unit -> int32
val bind_int64_from_int64_bits : width:int -> bits:('a -> int64) -> int64 -> 'a -> unit -> int64