module Serialize_pp: sig
.. end
val pp_print_abstr : Format.formatter -> [> ] -> unit
val create_abstr : ?pp:(Format.formatter ->
([> `end_of_list
| `end_of_record
| `list of [> `any ]
| `none
| `record
| `some ]
as 'a) ->
unit) ->
Format.formatter ->
[> `writing of (unit -> unit) list Pervasives.ref * (string -> 'a -> unit) ]
pervasives_variant = [ `bool of bool
| `char of char
| `float of float
| `int of int
| `string of string
| `tag of string ]
val pp_pervasives : ?pp:(Format.formatter -> ([> pervasives_variant ] as 'a) -> unit) ->
Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
val pp_serialize : ?pp:(Format.formatter ->
([> `end_of_list
| `end_of_record
| `list of [< `any | `record ]
| `record ]
as 'a) ->
unit) ->
Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
val create : ?pp:(Format.formatter ->
([> `bool of bool
| `char of char
| `end_of_list
| `end_of_record
| `float of float
| `int of int
| `list of [> `any ]
| `none
| `record
| `some
| `string of string
| `tag of string ]
as 'a) ->
unit) ->
Format.formatter ->
[> `writing of (unit -> unit) list Pervasives.ref * (string -> 'a -> unit) ]