type float_type = Single | Date | Extended of (int64 * int) | Currency
type token =
| ToSymbol of string
| ToString of string
| ToInteger of int64
| ToFloat of float * Dfm_text.Parser.float_type
| ToWString of Unicode.utf16_string
| ToChar of char
| ToBinary of Dfm.byte_array
exception Error of int * string
type t
val error : Dfm_text.Parser.t -> string -> 'a
val skip_blanks : Dfm_text.Parser.t -> unit
val next_token : Dfm_text.Parser.t -> unit
val create : char Stream.t -> Dfm_text.Parser.t
val source_line : Dfm_text.Parser.t -> int
val token : Dfm_text.Parser.t -> Dfm_text.Parser.token
val token_symbol_is : Dfm_text.Parser.t -> string -> bool
val token_char_is : Dfm_text.Parser.t -> char -> bool